Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Batman v Superman: The Man of Steel returns... Henry Cavill is Superman!

He's a man of two worlds... The Last Son of Krypton who was raised as a human being and slowly learned that he was not one of us yet learned to be a protector instead. Flying in the skies of Metropolis and wearing his family's crest that stands for "Hope", the being known to the world as Superman uses his powers for good and fights the never ending battle for truth and justice!

Bracing ourselves for a clash between two very different heroes, the last entry here at Justice PH's blog focused on Batman - with Academy Award winning actor and director Ben Affleck signing on to play the part of Bruce Wayne/ Batman. This time we will get to know his opponent - The Man of Tomorrow wearing a Red and Blue superhero costume who first appeared in "Man of Steel".

Reprising his role once more from the 2013 film, British actor Henry Cavill plays Kal-El/ Clark Kent - now a reporter for the Daily Planet who covers stories for the publication that usually involves his alter ego doing great deeds and saving the world. Unfortunately for Superman the world still doesn't fully trust his presence, especially following the immense destruction and collateral damage in Metropolis caused by his battle with General Zod in the previous DC Film. He still holds true to his beliefs that he can be a force of good that can inspire mankind to do great things, but it is a mission that needs a little more convincing, especially in the eyes of a public that has a divided opinion of their superhero savior from a doomed alien planet.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Teaser Trailer
Chief among those who are wary of his presence is Bruce Wayne/ Batman, who secretly takes it upon himself to wage a one-man war against the Kryptonian to prevent him from causing "more harm than good". Playing on his experience and showing that he is a more mature superhero than last time, Cavill takes his Superman game to the next level and will stand headstrong in facing The Dark Knight in "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice".

Being the first superhero in DC Comics to inspire later creations and peers like Batman and Wonder Woman, Superman is the quintessential example of a man who holds on to hope and fights the good fight. He has amazing powers that could make him a God, but thanks to a good earthly upbringing he chooses to humble himself and protect mankind.

It's for those reasons that he's considered a great hero, and B'lue Water Plus embodies that with not one, but TWO design bottles of Peppy Lychee flavor that feature the Man of Steel in two different poses - one confident and heroic, and the other headstrong and flying! Be sure to pick up these designs at a convenience store near you!

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice opens in Philippine theaters on March 26!

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