Premiering October 10 and based on the DC Comics character and superhero Green Arrow, this new television series that started airing on The CW is a dark and fresh young take on the life of The Emerald Archer. After being marooned and stranded on an island for five years, Oliver Queen returns home to a city filled with corruption. Changed by the experiences that made him survive his life the past few years in the Pacific, the young man is driven to fight crime and right the wrongdoings of his family background. Taking up the identity of the "Man with a Green Hood/ Arrow", Oliver takes up bow and arrow and starts a crusade against crime. He protects his secret from his family and friends, masking himself as a rich philanderer by day while fighting injustice as a hooded vigilante at night.
Unlike other heroes and much like Batman, Green Arrow has no superpowers and is very grounded. He relies on his skills of archery and his own survival skills to wage his war on crime. Unlike the comics however, the character is depicted in "Arrow" as a vigilante willing to go through "extreme measures" to get the job done if necessary (but the recent "Cry For Justice" series also showed him doing just that). It's a darker take on the character indeed, but one that holds excitement and ground.
As a new superhero television series that's just getting started, Arrow is set to make waves for comic book fans and tv viewers everywhere. Those who know more or little about the superhero and Justice Leaguer may want to look up and check this out. It's started off as a solid Pilot, and with the right push and precision, it may aim to be a worthwhile action-adventure series to tune into every week.
Rating - 4/5
Arrow shows every Wednesday at 8pm Eastern/ 7pm Central on the CW
*Originally posted by Timzster in The Crusader's Realm
Thanks very much for your sharing ,just finished the arrow season 3, i'd like to cosplay the arrow for my next convention, i am now looking for my costumes